Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not Talking/Learning to Listen

So, this morning I woke up and was hoarse. Besides being sick, I hate not being able to talk. You can ask any member of my family, I love to talk.

I never really thought about it much, but when I started seeing patients I soon realized just how many words I was using everyday. Believe it or not, I was just glad to be able to get home and NOT talk. To veg out a bit.

The older I get the more I realize that what we say needs to matter. Not to talk just because we can. To bad it takes so long to gain such wisdom in life.

Our family has been going through some tough days lately as we have two members who have been experiencing bad health, beyond just the flu, and I have noticed that some individuals are needing to talk, while others just can't talk.

Remember, there is a time for everything! Talking falls into that category. Just because I am johnny on the spot, and can talk when called upon, does not mean everyone is that way. If you have those in your life who are not talkers, just be ready to listen when they do talk. Listening is the flip side of the coin to talking and we talkers need to flip that baby over way more than we do.

On a lighter note, my granddaughter LK is learning to talk - and oh how much fun that is. She takes after her mother and grammy. hehe.

Psalm 19:14 (American Standard Version)

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O Jehovah, my rock, and my redeemer.

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Month To Live

One Month To Live by Kerry & Chris Shook is a book that you need to read - TODAY!

I picked it up after my husband had told me that the staff and elders at the church were reading it and working through it. I figured, being the pastors wife and all, I best stay up with the troops and be knowledgable. So I asked my dear sweet husband if he had an extra copy in the service this past Sunday (perfect time for discusseion about the newest book out - NOT).

As I was out running errands on Sunday afternoon, preparing for my week, I climbed into my car and there in the seat was the book. The Lord gently spoke to my heart, "Don't you think this would be a good book to read through at work". I so gently replied, "Lord, this is work, Texas Tech, why would they want to do this book there? He soooo lovingly said, "Because I have something to say to them too". Ugh! Need I say, I put the book immediately in my brief case upon my arrival back home to take to work the next morning.

Upon arriving at work I was talking with one of the doctors and told her what the Lord had said; she immediately asked to see the book and said she would go pick it up and read it. She is kinda like the "boss" so I figure the Lord is doing His thing; you know like the Holy Spirit does when he wants to accomplish His perfect work in our lives. Yeah - I think we will be doing the book at work. Hehe, isn't Jesus so cool.

So, now... I am blogging to you, yes you, so you can run purchase it and so you can get in on the H.S. work. It is going to be good. You won't want to miss this one. I know, I know... you are way too busy! Hello, are you farming on fb? Are you working on YOUR Ph.D? Are you in labor? Are you working 50 + hours a week, or seeing 50 small humans in therapy a week? Hello - get the book. If I can - you can. Get the book. You will be glad you did.

Happy Reading.

May you be blessed beyond all measure and experience the amazing grace of a Mighty God.
