Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Birthday to ... ME!

Yep, it's that time of year. My favorite time, I LOVE my birthday. I love all the fun stuff, the presents, cake (with no guilt),my kids calling, seeing and hearing from folks I don't get to see near enough. Mostly I love celebrating the day God chose for me to enter the world.
Now anyone who knows me also knows that any day he chooses to take me home is fine with me. I can hardly wait to see Him face to face. Now that will be a day of celebrating. I just read the book "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo and I must say it stirred my heart. To know that the babies I lost are in heaven waiting to meet me, to see those who have gone before he, to meet and see the God of Creation absolutely stirs my heart.
What about you? How is your life here on planet earth going? Making a difference in anyone's life? What are you doing that brings glory to the God of heaven? How about that heaven thing? Do you know if you died today you would awake in HIS presence? If not...

Accepting Christ as Lord of your life - the only way you get to heaven. Just one way, accepting the gift that God gave us, that He sacrificed for you. Jesus came to cover your sin, seems too easy but the Bible tells us it's the only way to get to heaven and spend eternity with Him.

Making God Lord of your life, asking Him to forgive your sin and being willing to turn from sin, walk in an ongoing relationship with God; allowing Him to make your life choices instead of yourself.

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