I have thought all day about what 2008 will be like. My only son will marry - that will change things a bit, my second daughter will marry, AND I will have my first grandchild - Laura Kate!!! While all of these events bring so much joy to our home and to my life - things will certainly be different. Joel will stop coming home as often - as it should be; Cassie will not call as frequently - that has already happened, and Carrie and Kyle will be very busy taking care of Laura Kate - whom I am sure will be a handful. I will graduate with my Masters and will start my own Private Practice and I hope to substantially increase our household income taking some of the pressure off the keeper of my heart.
I will also have more alone time - more time to grow - more time to reflex.
Speaking of reflecting and what lies ahead for this year my naturual thoughts turn to Andy. Andy and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary and while that sounds and is wonderful - it has happened so fast; which means the next 25 years will also past very quickly. I want to enjoy these next years more - I want to learn from all the things that I did wrong, and I want to make the next years memories sweeter and have more passionate moments of loving this man. Many people think they know him, understand him, "get him" - I think really, only his mom and I do and maybe a kid or two or three (don't want to leave anyone out) every now and then, but more important is that he knows how incredible he is. Because the world and the people of the world and the Prince of this world hurl lies and discouraging thoughts at him all the time. But when the day is over, the sun sets, work is complete and all the phones have stopped ringing - he needs to know that he is what matters the most to God and to me. There never has been or in my humble opinion ever will be a wife who loves a man as I do mine. He is cute, brilliant, funny, selfless, incredible with words, passionate about God and shepherding his people, a wonderful father, a masterful director of people with stress filled lives, an unbelievable boss, and a loyal friend. But best of all - he is mine, I love that - so much - more than anyone will ever know.
What lies Ahead? I do not know. Better than this past year? Most likely; and as long as it's with my crazy man - I am ready. Baby, buckle up - it is going to be a ride.
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