Monday, October 25, 2010

What Does Being Healthy Look Like for You?

I sit day after day with individuals who in some way are looking for the answer to the question "What does healthy look like for me? Most indivdiuals haven't a clue.

Some 20+ years ago I didn't have a clue either. I had to come face to face with that question for myself. Life was unraveling and the places I looked for to make me feel good about myself or to meet my needs were just not there. You see, we as people, especially women, many times look to our husbands or other family members to make us happy. Men, well they have a tendency to look to their work and themselves. Which are you? Both?

Both answers leave a person dependent on things of this world, their own strength or the strength of others. Besides the obvious, what would your list look like? The obvious? Some of you really need this; this post is going to help you.

Sit down when it is just you and the Lord and take a piece of paper and draw a line straight down the middle. On the top left corner write "HEALTHY" and on the top right corner write "unhealthy". Begin... I know it is hard to get started but once you out, the flood gates are going to let loose. But to get you started let me list for you a couple of mine.


1.) Talk to the Lord about EVERYTHING - bad or good.
2.) Talk to girl-friend (s) on a regular basis.
3.) Do something just for me on a weekly basis (ex.) Get a Italian Lemonaide Ice from Fazoli's, sleep late on Saturday, pick up a new shirt, or rent a movie and be lazy.
4.) Go to the movies with "the keeper of my heart".
5.) Try to help someone who is has a need.
6.) Make my husband a pitcher of tea.
7.) Spend time in the WORD.
8.) Check in on family members.
9.) Make my bed - just becuz!!!
10.)And on and on on this list can go.


1.) Call my husband excessively to see what he is doing.
2.) Have expectations for my children that are not really reasonable.
3.) Stay in bed all day and think about the horrible things in my past.
4.) Write letters to individuals who have hurt me (therapeutically this can be a healthy exercise when it is done correctly).
5.) Eat a dozen donuts.
6.) Expect my husband to drop what he is doing to meet my needs or to make me happy.
7.) Make everything about me.
8.) Make everything everyone else does and says about me as well.
9.) Stay out of God's word
10.)Refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking and leading me.
...and on and on this list can go as well.

Take the plunge - make your lists. See where you fall when it is all said and done. Healthy? Unhealthy? You determine who and what you will be. Don't stay unhealthy one more day - you CAN do it. Go for it.

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