Monday, October 4, 2010

Lie bumps ... and 1 Peter

I guess if we could go back in biblical times we would see as many folk back then with lie bumps on their tongues as we do today. Now I know some of you are saying "what is a lie bump"? A lie bump is when a very small, very small, piece of your tongue gets red, sore, and bothers the heebee gebies out of you. You pick at it, it gets kinda whiteish, and seems to just stick out as if it was saying to the whole world "hey look at me, I told a lie".

I remember my mother used to say to me, Robin Leigh, what lie did you tell? I would think and think and remember more than just one little itty bitty lie. Seems like when we say something that is not true it just kinda sticks out there and bothers us until we resolve it.

Last night at Ovation,, Andy taught on 1 Peter 2:1-3. Boy was it ever good; but boy was it convicting. Have you had a time in the Word when the Lord just says, "you have been talking way too much, and oh by the way, that was heresay, not truth that you repeated". Or, "It makes you feel better to say those things, but do you know that for certain?"

God has a way of gently speaking to my heart and drawing me to Him. It's as if I have crawled up in His lap and he says,"Is that a lie bump on your tongue Robin?"

How is your malice, slander, hypocrisy, envy, and evil working out for you? Mine, needs a little work I must confess.

And THEN, Peter says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good ". It's hard to taste the goodness of God when our mouths are full of malice or slander. Put it aside, it really is sticking out like a big ole lie bump and keeping us from the goodness of Jesus. Yep it might stick around for a little while, but eventually it will disapear and you will feel so much better.

Taste and see...

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