Monday, September 27, 2010

Otis and the Garage Sale

Otis is the newest member of our family. He is about the size of a silver dollar and when I talk to him, he comes out of his shell (note: that makes all therapists feel like they are making a difference). I arrived home on Friday to discover that Cassie found a little turtle while settings up for the garage sell and cleaning out my garage. Andy made a little nest of greenery and placed Otis in a beautiful pink box; I think he chose that box so I would be more likely to keep him.

Turtles and Garage sales are a part of life. Whether we have a pet turtle or just know of someone who "withdrawals" into their shell; have garage sales, or know of others who have them or attend them, they are a part of life. As long as we have money we are going to have garage sells. Have you noticed that rich folk as well as poor folk have them? We all have "junk" in our lives.

Have you ever had the occasion to think about why or what causes people to withdraw or not deal with their own junk? Did you judge them, think unkind things about them? Did you ever think that they may be dealing with a bad marriage, are victims of domestic violence, or just lost their best friend? Maybe their husband or wife lost their job and without any notice they have to sell their possessions to feed their family. Maybe a sudden death has occurred in a family and instead of talking the individual just wants time to ponder the loss and their memories.

For the most part most individual don't deal with their stuff and hideouts well. Many times in the Bible the Lord gives us examples about how to deal with hard times. Check out 1 Peter or the book of James - both are a good read and you might learn a thing or two about coping with your own problems or maybe someone else’s.

Meanwhile, hunt for the turtles and be Jesus to them AND attend a few garage sales, who knows, you might find a life treasure while you are putting food on someone else’s table.

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