Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Regrets - A Deep Searching Soul

Have you ever stopped to think about regrets? I mean really think about them, not just a fleeting thought, but a deep searching of your soul that teaches you something? I did this past week. I did a little "self inventory" of me and realized I have many patterns that I repeat that I need to remove from my life. I for sure need to stop repeating old patterns.

But before I share my list there are some things that I absolutely have no regret for. Things that I would do over and over again.

1.) Marry my husband - I'd do it all over again, and again, and again. He still is the greatest guy I know.
2.) Stay home with my kids while they were young - I only had to work for a short time when they were very young and then I did everything possible from making crafts to canning veggies to be able to stay home during those formative years. I think it paid off.
3.) Of course - this one should be number one, but it goes without saying that I would accept Jesus as my Saviour. What a ride and what safety - it is only in Him that we find true safety and security.
4.) I'd still be a person who seeks to forgive instead of choosing to be a bitter and angry woman.
5.) I would still seek to help those in need and brokenhearted - I believe it to be one of the Lord's greatest calls on a Christian life.
6.) I would still have lots of pets - I think it is one of the best ways to teach children unconditional love.
7.) I would still teach my children to love deeply and often and love Jesus above all things.
8.) I would continue to believe that family are the most important relationships we have but that they cannot and should not be "our world". We need people in our lives to be healthy.
9.) I still would not have a "perfect house" but a warm, playful home. Guest really do understand.
10.) I do not regret choosing friends; inspite of the pain, inspite of the disappointment and betrayal, inspite of the work it involves; people are worth the journey - even if you don't end up having them for a lifetime.
11.) I still would not drink or do drugs.

NOW for the regrets (in no certain order)

1.) I would have learned the POWER in tithing a whole lot earlier - you absolutely cannot out give God.
2.) I would have gotten to know my mother-in-law better/sooner. I do miss her sooo much.
3.) I would have yelled less at my kids (ok, admit it - all parents yell some, you know you did too).
4.) I would not share my deepest fears with so called friends. Only Jesus knows what to do with them; people disappoint you everytime.
5.) I would not have trusted in men instead of the Lord to deal with eternal/life changing matters; rather I would trust God more. He can handle spiritual discipline and does it so much better than man. I loath self-righteousness.
6.) I would have kept playing the piano.
7.) I would have finished my education sooner. Life is so short and by waiting I have less time to help others.
8.) I would spend less money on things and more money on people.
9.) I would read my Bible more faithfully.
10.) I would seek God more passionately - not religion.
11.) I would love deeper - especially extended family.
12.) I would not share my family recipes with people whom I thought to be "family" but kept them for family.
13.) I would laugh more and try to understand comedy and humor better.
14.) I would learn to love to read.
15.) I would not have smoked pencil shavings :)
16.) I would have learned Thai better and learn to read and write it.
17.) I would have stayed in touch with my thai family missionary family better.
18.) I would have learned to talk softer and less.
19.) I would seek the things that really matter more.
20.) I would not ever depend on other sources for financial stability.

OK, so there are twice as many regrets as not regrets. BUT, I just didn't have enough time and neither do you. Besides, somethings you just don't share (that would be regret #21).

What do you regret? Do you know what the Lord said to me while He and I were hashing this around? Life is not over.... get busy you have time.

How about you? Any regrets that you can write down?

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