Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giving Up - Gaining Ground

This past week I had several opportunities to talk with people who were close to giving up. "Life is too hard" one lady said; another said "I do not have anything else to fight with and the things I am fighting for might be better off without me".

Defeated. Ever feel that way? We all know the scripture verses that we are quoted when we feel this way - some individuals feel it is their responsibility to share them with us. You know, "God won't give you more than you can handle", or "all things work for the good", or "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". These are all wonderful promises that God gives us, just one problem, when we are in these places, the defeated places, many times we cannot receive those promises that well meaning,(or not so well meaning), friends share.

So. I have a solution!

I tried this out and it is the best thing since homemade sliced bread when it is hot and has strawberry preserves on it (can you visualize that) - yum.

1.) Tell God that you can't handle it anymore and that you give up.


2.) Ask Him to heal your hurts.

Sound too simple? Try it - it really works. I know. I am and have been doing it for the past 3 months now. You see, when we are hurt many times it is not an issue of forgiveness. We can forgive those who hurt us; but stop the hurting, that's a different story. But I discovered this wonderful little thing. Tell Him you can't deal with it and ask Him to heal the pain. It does really work. Be specific. Tell God, " _____ has hurt me and it is killing me. The lose of what I thought we had is more than I can bear. I can't make the hurt stop but You can. Lord, heal my hurt from ____." He will. Maybe not instantly, but He will do it. You will be driving along and realize you have not wasted any more time or thoughts on them or a particular situation anymore. You will realize that God has healed that place. If it keeps coming back, keep asking; "Heal the hurt from ____ God".

I hope this will help you. My prayer is that you too will experience a renewed and vital relationship with God. If you don't feel like you can make the journey yet, jump on my wagon, as I am beginning a new ride and a new journey with the King of Kings and my Precious Saviour. I hope you will come along on the journey.

Onward Christian Soldiers.

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