Monday, March 16, 2009

He Is SOOOO Worth It...

"God's works are so great, worth A lifetime of study - endless enjoyment"! Ps. 111:2

Is that not the most awesome scripture? Think about it a minute, really. Re-read it. "God's works are so great, worth A lifetime of study - endless enjoyment"! Ps. 111:2

So many of us try to find our enjoyment in things, people, money, etc... The bible says that "endless enjoyment" comes from the study of the works of God. That little word "study" tries to ruin that entire scripture for me.

You see, I am at the point in my life that I am just down right tired of it - study, not God or his word, but study. I am tired of it. But then I ran across this scripture today. Wow, studying the works of God. Now that is something I think I can hitch my boat to.

What do the works of God look like? Are they different for you than for me? I think maybe they are. When I start to focus my time on God, I think about all the Mightiness He encompasses. The strength that I have because He dwells in me, The Hope that I have because of what I have received from Him because of a personal relationship with Him. I think about the endless times that people have disappointed me; but He has never not once let me down. He is ever constant, ever giving, ever wooing me to Him. He never is more than a thought away or a prayer whisper from my lips. He holds me in His invisible arms which are stronger than any mans. He loves me when I am unlovable and always, yes always, is wanting to bless me. I am the apple of His eye, the desire of His heart. He never asks me to do anything that He does not give me the strength to do. He wants me to succeed and encourages me all the way. He has been with me from the very first day I met Him and He has never left me - that has been 44 years and counting. I can't begin to imagine, comprehend, or study enough all the ways God has been so amazing in my life. So, study the works of God - you betcha!!! Enjoyment, here I come.

Tap in dear friend and prepare to enjoy the Works of an AWESOME, AMAZING, Jesus!!!

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