I used to think that the best years of my life were when I was in my 20's and 30's.
I think 50 - 60 is going to take the cake. That used to seem old - now it is really quite young.
Ok, back to the 20 to 30 stuff. Yeah all the crying babies, the worrying about money to buy diapers and formula; how to care for the "three little blessings who came within 2 years of each other(twins - and they said I wouldn't be able to have babies- go figure), and fevers, and overdosing on dimetap (can't believe I wrote that) and "will they love me if I don't let them?" ideas; and sharing the excitement of going to school that first day, crying when they graduated from H.S., and then of course weaping when they marry off and they truly are no longer "yours". Yep, those were the good ole days all right. I remember listening to them all gang up together and see which one was going to take the blame for the mess that they had gotten themselves into - oh, that was fun. Or the time when my precious little boy came home from Sunday School and proclaimed that he had learned to "shoot the bird" - let me say that always goes well when your daddy's the preacher. All wonderful times - things a mother ponders in her heart and never forgets. Oh, and two more - the time one, whose name will remain annonymous, "rocked the goldfish to sleep" and the other twin brought her offering back home from church "because Jesus didn't come today". GREAT DAYS!!! And I am so glad I have the memories and lived to tell about them all AND am through them and now am getting to remember them all and THEY are getting to experience them. - If you ever wonder if there is a God - just wait til your own children get married and have to "do" life. It's one of the joys of being a grammy too!!!!
But tonight, I got to have a very nice, quite (did I say quite) dinner with my dear dear friend and we laughed, ate, cried, talked, and talked, and talked. We shared our hearts and our Jesus stuff with each other and... we pinkie promised at the end of the evening. All at the wonderful age of 50ish. :)
The next 10 years - oh what a delight they will be loving on those grandbabies and givin them back to their own mommies. I love you all my precious little grown up babies!!!
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