A few weeks ago, about 13 to be exact, I started itching. Not just a little itch - I MEAN REALLY ITCHING - all over. It was horrible, I itched in places I didn't know that I even had. So being from the medical family that I am from, I began investigating. What could it be? It must be something I am eating, it must be a new soap, detergent, something? Nothing made it better. Some said it was, the weather, dry skin, others said it had to be what I was eating. I promise, nothing, nada, no, not a thing has changed... then I thought, rootbeer. Yep, that had to be it - I have become a lover of the new diet drink (it's a friends fault, she introduced it). Anyway, so I stopped drinking this delicious new beverage, with no calories or caffeine - for 3 days. Did the itching stop? No. Did the rashes go away - Nope. Still there.
Now, like any woman of God - I finally resorted in what we all would think - no, I did not go to the doctor, I FINALLY prayed about it. Well, I even went a bit further (I mean, I have really been itching bad), so I asked 4 women whom I trust deeply to pray about this silly rash that was consuming my thoughts - guess what, it got better. So then, one day after work, I asked another godly woman if she would pray over me - she did and I mean she prayed. WOW!!!! The rash improved - greatly. Today, I asked the women of Desperate Housewives - (not the TV show - the Women who are Desperate for Jesus) to pray. I expect it to be gone by tomorrow evening.
I guess you are wondering why I am telling you this tale? I do have a point. First, after being a Christian for 44 years, I looked to the world first not the Almighty God who heals ALL our sicknesses. I'm not proud of it, it's just fact. Second, the enemy - he just isn't very creative. He continually attacks me in the same ole ways - the stupid thing is that I forget that. Hopefully, my little itch will help you remember too, where does the enemy get you? Be alert, be wise dear sisters and brothers - we serve an awesome God. He is the Creator of the Heavens, The One Who Spoke existense into being - He can, does, will, wants to, and is waiting to answer the prayers of His children.
Ask - before you itch.
Faith, Hope, and Love – My 2022 Prayer for You
2 years ago
1 comment:
Love your blog, mom!
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