Monday, November 15, 2010

Christmas BEFORE Thanksgiving???

We kinda have a tradition in our family that you do not put up Christmas decorations until AFTER Thanksgiving. Now mind you, it can be 2 minutes after the Thanksgiving meal is over, but all in all we wait until Thanksgiving is over and we are thoroughly thankful for the blessings of the past year.

Well, not this year.... I know kids, pick yourselves up off the ground and I am truly sorry. But to my defense, it has been a crazy year and a crazy season. Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do. Funny thing, my husband went right along with this crazy plan of mine.

Sometimes you just have to do what works for you...understanding this comes with age I have decided. And I am understanding better with each passing day this "age" thing.

So, the lesson to be learned here? Let up on the crazy people who put Christmas up before Thanksgiving - after all, they may have a really good reason for their crazy behavior.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What Does Being Healthy Look Like for You?

I sit day after day with individuals who in some way are looking for the answer to the question "What does healthy look like for me? Most indivdiuals haven't a clue.

Some 20+ years ago I didn't have a clue either. I had to come face to face with that question for myself. Life was unraveling and the places I looked for to make me feel good about myself or to meet my needs were just not there. You see, we as people, especially women, many times look to our husbands or other family members to make us happy. Men, well they have a tendency to look to their work and themselves. Which are you? Both?

Both answers leave a person dependent on things of this world, their own strength or the strength of others. Besides the obvious, what would your list look like? The obvious? Some of you really need this; this post is going to help you.

Sit down when it is just you and the Lord and take a piece of paper and draw a line straight down the middle. On the top left corner write "HEALTHY" and on the top right corner write "unhealthy". Begin... I know it is hard to get started but once you out, the flood gates are going to let loose. But to get you started let me list for you a couple of mine.


1.) Talk to the Lord about EVERYTHING - bad or good.
2.) Talk to girl-friend (s) on a regular basis.
3.) Do something just for me on a weekly basis (ex.) Get a Italian Lemonaide Ice from Fazoli's, sleep late on Saturday, pick up a new shirt, or rent a movie and be lazy.
4.) Go to the movies with "the keeper of my heart".
5.) Try to help someone who is has a need.
6.) Make my husband a pitcher of tea.
7.) Spend time in the WORD.
8.) Check in on family members.
9.) Make my bed - just becuz!!!
10.)And on and on on this list can go.


1.) Call my husband excessively to see what he is doing.
2.) Have expectations for my children that are not really reasonable.
3.) Stay in bed all day and think about the horrible things in my past.
4.) Write letters to individuals who have hurt me (therapeutically this can be a healthy exercise when it is done correctly).
5.) Eat a dozen donuts.
6.) Expect my husband to drop what he is doing to meet my needs or to make me happy.
7.) Make everything about me.
8.) Make everything everyone else does and says about me as well.
9.) Stay out of God's word
10.)Refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking and leading me.
...and on and on this list can go as well.

Take the plunge - make your lists. See where you fall when it is all said and done. Healthy? Unhealthy? You determine who and what you will be. Don't stay unhealthy one more day - you CAN do it. Go for it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lie bumps ... and 1 Peter

I guess if we could go back in biblical times we would see as many folk back then with lie bumps on their tongues as we do today. Now I know some of you are saying "what is a lie bump"? A lie bump is when a very small, very small, piece of your tongue gets red, sore, and bothers the heebee gebies out of you. You pick at it, it gets kinda whiteish, and seems to just stick out as if it was saying to the whole world "hey look at me, I told a lie".

I remember my mother used to say to me, Robin Leigh, what lie did you tell? I would think and think and remember more than just one little itty bitty lie. Seems like when we say something that is not true it just kinda sticks out there and bothers us until we resolve it.

Last night at Ovation,, Andy taught on 1 Peter 2:1-3. Boy was it ever good; but boy was it convicting. Have you had a time in the Word when the Lord just says, "you have been talking way too much, and oh by the way, that was heresay, not truth that you repeated". Or, "It makes you feel better to say those things, but do you know that for certain?"

God has a way of gently speaking to my heart and drawing me to Him. It's as if I have crawled up in His lap and he says,"Is that a lie bump on your tongue Robin?"

How is your malice, slander, hypocrisy, envy, and evil working out for you? Mine, needs a little work I must confess.

And THEN, Peter says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good ". It's hard to taste the goodness of God when our mouths are full of malice or slander. Put it aside, it really is sticking out like a big ole lie bump and keeping us from the goodness of Jesus. Yep it might stick around for a little while, but eventually it will disapear and you will feel so much better.

Taste and see...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Otis and the Garage Sale

Otis is the newest member of our family. He is about the size of a silver dollar and when I talk to him, he comes out of his shell (note: that makes all therapists feel like they are making a difference). I arrived home on Friday to discover that Cassie found a little turtle while settings up for the garage sell and cleaning out my garage. Andy made a little nest of greenery and placed Otis in a beautiful pink box; I think he chose that box so I would be more likely to keep him.

Turtles and Garage sales are a part of life. Whether we have a pet turtle or just know of someone who "withdrawals" into their shell; have garage sales, or know of others who have them or attend them, they are a part of life. As long as we have money we are going to have garage sells. Have you noticed that rich folk as well as poor folk have them? We all have "junk" in our lives.

Have you ever had the occasion to think about why or what causes people to withdraw or not deal with their own junk? Did you judge them, think unkind things about them? Did you ever think that they may be dealing with a bad marriage, are victims of domestic violence, or just lost their best friend? Maybe their husband or wife lost their job and without any notice they have to sell their possessions to feed their family. Maybe a sudden death has occurred in a family and instead of talking the individual just wants time to ponder the loss and their memories.

For the most part most individual don't deal with their stuff and hideouts well. Many times in the Bible the Lord gives us examples about how to deal with hard times. Check out 1 Peter or the book of James - both are a good read and you might learn a thing or two about coping with your own problems or maybe someone else’s.

Meanwhile, hunt for the turtles and be Jesus to them AND attend a few garage sales, who knows, you might find a life treasure while you are putting food on someone else’s table.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Regrets - A Deep Searching Soul

Have you ever stopped to think about regrets? I mean really think about them, not just a fleeting thought, but a deep searching of your soul that teaches you something? I did this past week. I did a little "self inventory" of me and realized I have many patterns that I repeat that I need to remove from my life. I for sure need to stop repeating old patterns.

But before I share my list there are some things that I absolutely have no regret for. Things that I would do over and over again.

1.) Marry my husband - I'd do it all over again, and again, and again. He still is the greatest guy I know.
2.) Stay home with my kids while they were young - I only had to work for a short time when they were very young and then I did everything possible from making crafts to canning veggies to be able to stay home during those formative years. I think it paid off.
3.) Of course - this one should be number one, but it goes without saying that I would accept Jesus as my Saviour. What a ride and what safety - it is only in Him that we find true safety and security.
4.) I'd still be a person who seeks to forgive instead of choosing to be a bitter and angry woman.
5.) I would still seek to help those in need and brokenhearted - I believe it to be one of the Lord's greatest calls on a Christian life.
6.) I would still have lots of pets - I think it is one of the best ways to teach children unconditional love.
7.) I would still teach my children to love deeply and often and love Jesus above all things.
8.) I would continue to believe that family are the most important relationships we have but that they cannot and should not be "our world". We need people in our lives to be healthy.
9.) I still would not have a "perfect house" but a warm, playful home. Guest really do understand.
10.) I do not regret choosing friends; inspite of the pain, inspite of the disappointment and betrayal, inspite of the work it involves; people are worth the journey - even if you don't end up having them for a lifetime.
11.) I still would not drink or do drugs.

NOW for the regrets (in no certain order)

1.) I would have learned the POWER in tithing a whole lot earlier - you absolutely cannot out give God.
2.) I would have gotten to know my mother-in-law better/sooner. I do miss her sooo much.
3.) I would have yelled less at my kids (ok, admit it - all parents yell some, you know you did too).
4.) I would not share my deepest fears with so called friends. Only Jesus knows what to do with them; people disappoint you everytime.
5.) I would not have trusted in men instead of the Lord to deal with eternal/life changing matters; rather I would trust God more. He can handle spiritual discipline and does it so much better than man. I loath self-righteousness.
6.) I would have kept playing the piano.
7.) I would have finished my education sooner. Life is so short and by waiting I have less time to help others.
8.) I would spend less money on things and more money on people.
9.) I would read my Bible more faithfully.
10.) I would seek God more passionately - not religion.
11.) I would love deeper - especially extended family.
12.) I would not share my family recipes with people whom I thought to be "family" but kept them for family.
13.) I would laugh more and try to understand comedy and humor better.
14.) I would learn to love to read.
15.) I would not have smoked pencil shavings :)
16.) I would have learned Thai better and learn to read and write it.
17.) I would have stayed in touch with my thai family missionary family better.
18.) I would have learned to talk softer and less.
19.) I would seek the things that really matter more.
20.) I would not ever depend on other sources for financial stability.

OK, so there are twice as many regrets as not regrets. BUT, I just didn't have enough time and neither do you. Besides, somethings you just don't share (that would be regret #21).

What do you regret? Do you know what the Lord said to me while He and I were hashing this around? Life is not over.... get busy you have time.

How about you? Any regrets that you can write down?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Giving Up - Gaining Ground

This past week I had several opportunities to talk with people who were close to giving up. "Life is too hard" one lady said; another said "I do not have anything else to fight with and the things I am fighting for might be better off without me".

Defeated. Ever feel that way? We all know the scripture verses that we are quoted when we feel this way - some individuals feel it is their responsibility to share them with us. You know, "God won't give you more than you can handle", or "all things work for the good", or "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". These are all wonderful promises that God gives us, just one problem, when we are in these places, the defeated places, many times we cannot receive those promises that well meaning,(or not so well meaning), friends share.

So. I have a solution!

I tried this out and it is the best thing since homemade sliced bread when it is hot and has strawberry preserves on it (can you visualize that) - yum.

1.) Tell God that you can't handle it anymore and that you give up.


2.) Ask Him to heal your hurts.

Sound too simple? Try it - it really works. I know. I am and have been doing it for the past 3 months now. You see, when we are hurt many times it is not an issue of forgiveness. We can forgive those who hurt us; but stop the hurting, that's a different story. But I discovered this wonderful little thing. Tell Him you can't deal with it and ask Him to heal the pain. It does really work. Be specific. Tell God, " _____ has hurt me and it is killing me. The lose of what I thought we had is more than I can bear. I can't make the hurt stop but You can. Lord, heal my hurt from ____." He will. Maybe not instantly, but He will do it. You will be driving along and realize you have not wasted any more time or thoughts on them or a particular situation anymore. You will realize that God has healed that place. If it keeps coming back, keep asking; "Heal the hurt from ____ God".

I hope this will help you. My prayer is that you too will experience a renewed and vital relationship with God. If you don't feel like you can make the journey yet, jump on my wagon, as I am beginning a new ride and a new journey with the King of Kings and my Precious Saviour. I hope you will come along on the journey.

Onward Christian Soldiers.

Monday, June 7, 2010


A few nights back I lay awake thinking about what it is that has me so angry. Finally I wrestled with the Lord long enough that together He and I figured it out. I was mad at Him. And taking it one step further, I felt that He had been unfaithful to me. That is such a strange concept for me as I have only known Him as a loving faithful Father and cannot recall one time in my Christian life of being angry at Him. I have been a Christian since I was 6 years old, I have been in church my entire life, and I have taught my own children the importance of having an active relationship with the Lord. Never the less here I was angry at the God who created me.I felt entitled to "something" for having loved and served Him faithfully for 45 years. It only seemed fair that since I had strived so hard to be a "good" Christian that it should make a difference in the outcome of my life. WRONG - we are saved by His grace and what He has done. We live our lives by faith in what He has already done - for Him, not for what it gets us.

Feelings are a funny thing. Many people try ignoring them, they feel guilty for having them, or they allow them to change who God created them to be. Me, most of the time you only need to be around me a little while and you will know what I am feeling; If you inquire just a little I will share what it going on inside. Transparency. A word that according to many people is not a good quality to have, yet I have found that it is in our transparency that we find wholeness.It is in the truth that we are set free. It is in that freedom we are able to take our life circumstances and use them to glorify Him.

So after realizing that I was angry at the Lord, that I felt He was unfaithful to me, I began a quest of discovering just exactly what it was that led me to these feelings and drastic change in my walk with Him. Soon I realized that unfaithfulness comes in many different sizes. It is not just a spouse who betrays; a betrayal of a trusted friend can be devestating, a family member or your relationship with them might change and it has a familar aroma of unfaithfulness, your children might not seek you out as times in the past and it too can feel like betrayal while in reality it is growth on their part. Many things can lead to the feeling of betrayal and unfaithfulness by those we love.Many times it is how we look at it that make the difference.

But is God unfaithful? NEVER. He is all loving, always patient, He is kind, He is not envious, He does not seek His own. He always comes through.

This is how a conversation kinda went between God and me. It is raw so just go with me.

Robin: Lord It feels like You have been unfaithful, look at the events of our life, look at what we have lost; it feels like the unfaithfulness of a best friend, or spouse. How is this in line with what You promised me?

Lord: I have not been unfaithful to you Robin, I have always sought your best out.

Robin: It feels the same God.It hurts so deeply like years ago - 16 to be exact.

Lord: Really? I mean really Robin? Look a little closer. I was doing exactly what you asked Me for and more. I was protecting you, and making you into my image. I was giving you the desires of yours and Andy's heart. Again, I was protecting you.

Robin: It does not feel like good or protection Lord. It doesn't feel the same as times past when you were growing me into your image.

Lord: I know - it will. You will see. You will see my goodness in the lose of those you loved. You will see my protection as future days unfold. I protect my anointed, I always have. The words and ideas of men are not what you stand on but rather my words - my WORD.

Robin: Though they slay me yet will I serve thee Oh Lord.

So... that's just a little insight into my prayer life...raw, but true.

God is always faithful, always knowing, and for those who seek him, ALWAYS, protecting and preparing for the things that will glorify Him.

We see deamly... now to make up for lost time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Making the Decision

I was recently talking with one of my many doctors about pain and how adults cope with it and he told me an interesting fact. He said that studies are showing that it takes an adult almost 10 years to learn to cope with a chronic condition that produces pain. WOW, 10 years. Now, this is in the physical so it caused me to consider how long it takes an individual to deal with emotional pain.

Studies how shown that upon the loss of a loved one it takes 5 years to have significant recovery for the average person. They say that because all the fads, clothing, styles, smells, cars, etc... cycle through and change within that 5 year period. You don't see the same things anymore - things that cause you pain, things that cause you to think about or remember what you have lost.

Emotions are a funny thing. We are able to control them a whole lot better than we think you know. For instance. You put a 3 year old in timeout, they cry and cry as long as you are watching, but the minute you aren't paying attention, they are picking at the carpet. Or the teen ager who is so tired and can't clean their room, but then a phone call comes in and her bff wants her to go to the mall. What about when your husband asks what is bothering you and you respond with "nothing". He gets up, comes around to the side of the bed and gently wraps those big strong arms around you, the tears begin to flow... Emotions...funny things they are.

In the Bible it talks about taking every thought captive, about being new creatures in Christ, about a transformation that occurs when the living God dwells within us. How about you? Been taking any thoughts captive? Not just sinful thoughts, but discouraging ones, the ones that rob you of having a full and joyful life. What difference is Christ making in you? Are you a new creation - daily? Ouch! Or did your job get the best of you today, or your kids, spouse, best friend, or maybe the pain of life not quite going like you planned.

Pain comes in many shapes and sizes. It takes on forms of deep strong emotions and sometimes just light hearted loses. But it still is painful. How long does it take you to let Jesus heal your pain? How long do you hold on to it for the sake of holding on?

One other quick thought. Only JESUS really heals our hurt. We cannot do it, no matter how hard we try. So gird up. Take those thoughts of discouragement and loss capitive and let the living God who indwells you transform you through your pain into the image of His Son. You can do it - and with Him, in a whole lot less time than the way the world looks at things. Ask Him to HEAL your hurt and pain...He's waiting.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Time has past - a new perspective

Isn't it funny how letting some time pass gives you a new perspective sometimes on life? Have you ever thought that hard times and hurt would never go away? Have you ever thought that things would never get better?

I have - recently. But the clouds are lifting and let me just say, it is nice. Tonight we were in church at a local house of worship and the Pastor read my mail. I thought, "Man, did someone tell him we were coming"? Duh, yes comes the answer. The Holy Spirit.

As I am writing, one of my Maltese dogs wanted a new perspective. She hopped up on the bed and that just wouldn't do, so she jumped off and climbed up on a pile of folders on the floor. They were a whole 4 inches off the floor? Andy looked over at me and said, "what is she doing"? I replied, "getting a new perspective". Sometimes it just takes looking from a different point of view to see what is going on.

Personally, I am not sure what has changed in my own life, other than my willingness to move on and let go of the hurt. Funny how that just gives a new perspective. Nothing has changed, the painful reality of lost friends and a lost dream are still there; I am just looking from a different perspective.

Forgiveness has never been hard for me. God has given me an incredible faith to believe Him to forgive. After all, He already did all the work there. But hurt, that is different...until tonight. I just needed a new perspective.

"Lord, heal my ...". "Lord,heal my hurt over the loss of...". It is that simple. Really Just 4 inches off the floor, but a whole different perspective on the Grace, Power, and perfect work of a Mighty God.

Do you need a new perspective? Sometimes it really isn't as tall a climb as you might think.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Kitchen that never closed

The last time I talked to my mother-in-law she told me how very much she loved me and that she was proud of me. I did not know that those would be the last words she and I would share.

Today at 12:26 p.m. we released her to heaven. The night and day have been a fog. It’s hard to think straight, hard to imagine, going home to the farm without her waiting to welcome my arrival. She made coming home so inviting. I won’t get to the farm until late tonight, but I know what I want to do first. I want to clean and straighten up for her. She always had her home ready when guest were expected and there will be a flood of guest “fixin” to land upon that place; coming to show their love and support to us - her family and to honor this woman who has loved the Lord, her husband, children, grandchildren, and great-grand child passionately.

Let me tell you about my mother-in-law. As could be expected we did not always see eye to eye about life, her son, and the grand yungins as many a daughter-in-law and mother-in-laws are known to do. We were not the exception. It would even be fair to say that we had many a heated interactions in those early years. But as I grew up I came to admire and cherish this woman who raised two incredible kids who love the Lord and who grew to love me as one of her own. She paved a solid foundation, with no apology or excuse, for a life lived committed to Jesus. She took great pride that all, yes all, of her children, in-law children, and her grandchildren loved and were serving the Lord. Her own two children passionately, not perfectly, served Him with great fortitude. Neither giving up to the call on their lives to tell the world that Jesus is the Son of God Most High.

When we would be driving from Texas to Alabama and slowly get closer and closer to seeing the lights of the Wood family farm, the homestead, excitement would build in the car. The kids would be so tired from the 17 to 22 hour journey, many times we would awaken them when we pulled down the drive in the wee hours of the morning; but they always were excited to get to the farm. We were never disappointed. Not once did we arrive at that house that it was not filled with home cooked goodies, clean crisp linens on the beds, and something cooked in the kitchen waiting our arrival. She would fix ALL our favorite dishes throughout the visit; let me say that no one, no one, makes home made biscuits and cream corn like my mother-in-law, my two favorites. She was constantly in that kitchen, from early early early morning to late at night; she made sure we always had plenty to eat. And on are trips home, she would always hand me a bag of the leftovers for our journey home, sandwiches, chips, cookies, fruits, cakes, and more. Even on our trip back to Texas we were reminded of the one who labored for hours in her kitchen. She was one amazing cook!!!

But maybe the thing I loved about her most was how much she loved us. She never missed a birthday, never missed a Christmas. She was always apologizing and always wanting to do more. What she didn’t know was that her just remembering was the greatest present of all. Year after year. For 27 years I had her in my life – not near long enough. I look with great anticipation to sitting at the feet of Jesus, singing his praises together with her in Heaven. Mom, I will miss you. I will miss your kitchen and sitting at the table talking about our lives, I will miss watching you love on my children, and I will miss being loved by you. You were an amazing woman and I am richer for the hours we shared together. I love you Mom, I love you!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Finding The Right Words

The past 42 days have been quite interesting - to put it mildly. So here it is - I hope not to disappoint. If talking can help, really help...then it's time to talk. Prepare yourself, this is not pretty and it surely is not what you have been use to reading from me. If you want warm and fuzzy you might want to skip this one.

My husband and I have lost the church we founded seven years ago, founded on our testimony of grace to individuals who should know better.I have lost the ability to trust men whom I believed I could trust, who claim to be God fearing and God seeking only to realize that they do not know how to interpret God's word, but who do want to use it to ease their hearts.

I have lost the ideal of what I thought real friendship to be. Friendship in the bible is always about putting others first but allowing people to be human, mess up, share their souls, and love inspite of. It is about others before self in ALL situations. Not seeking ones own. Some how along the way I thought that if I could be that kind of a friend, that it was enough. It didn't matter what others said about you, or others, that holding on and loving enough would win out in the end. I believed some people were worth it. WRONG. Some people believe friendship to soley be about themselves, about their hurt, their feelings. Wrong again. Good bye ideal - hello God's word; it is always important to seek the Master plan, not what we hope others to be or use random scripture to fill our own guilty hearts.

I have lost something else. I have lost confidence in the concept that being a Christian for 45 years assures confidence in God. When life shatters and people disappoint, really disappoint, it is hard to believe what you have always believed. Being human assures of that. It is hard to believe, to have faith, that the God of Heaven has better plans. It's hard to find the right words to forgive, move on, believe better days are ahead, and believe that He can make something good out of the messes that men and women make.

I have lost the willingness to move past, I have lost the ability to always forgive. I have lost the joy that comes in watching and believing that the best is yet to be in friendship. I have lost the hope that God will make a better tomorrow, that friends will seek forgiveness, that men will do the right thing, that I have just not lived long enough, and that somehow all of this will work for the good.

I am lost! (for now).