Monday, November 9, 2009
The Goodness of the Lord
But before I share what he said, let me share a few other thoughts. I mentioned it had been a long week. Well, as I was reflecting on that these thoughts came to mind.
1.) I accomplished so much in the week.
2.) God healed my computer - a few times, got me out of some major jams.
3.) I wrote 3 500 word papers and 6 250 word repsponses.
4.) I completed a Power Point Presentation for a major project
5.) Played with my grandbaby and got to give her a bath (our special thing) for 5 straight nights.
6.) Loved on 2 of my 6 kids
7.) Talked to all my kids, every sibling I have, and my parents and in-laws.
8.) Worked a 50 hour week.
9.) Had therapy sessions with 32 small individuals and 2 larger ones.
10.)Wrote and Annotated Bibliography and Outline and submitted them on time.
11.)Contributed to family income in xtra ways.
12.)Helped my husband with multiple tasks that we had been wanting to accomplish.
13.)Shared in the arrival of my second great niece via internet, texting,and phone.
14.)Helped my sister arrange furniture in her new house,kinda.
15.)Fly to Denver by way of Dallas and Tulsa.
16.)Visited with a Air Force Captain for 3 hours on a flt. was young enough to be my son.
17.)Read 3 chpts. in 1 month to live by Kerry and Chris Shook.
18.)Emailed my husband some new dreams and thoughts for our future.
19.)Shared some dreams with my kids.
20.)Prayed and listened to God speak.
21.)Attended the first of three Residencies for my Ph.D. and understood most of it (so far).
22.)Realized I will never be the Faculty Chair for Human Services at Capella University.
23.)Realized I got started way to late at an area of my life that I have only dreamed about in the distant; but that it was so worth it to be able to raise kids who all three have turned out to be AMAZING!!!
24.)Had somethingoscopy of almost every part of my human body.
25.)CT of my kidneys
and on and on the verrrry long week went.
And then, the Lord said, "pick up my word, I have something to say to you".
Hear it is.
"Oh how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
Your commandment makes me wiser
than my enemies,
for it is ever with me.
I have more understanding than all my
for your testimonies are my
I understand more than the aged,
for I keep your precepts.
I hold back my feet from every evil way,
in order to keep your word.
I do not turn aside from your rules,
for you have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Through your precepts I get
for therefore I hate every false way.
Your word is a lamp to my feet,
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules.
I am severly afflicted;
give me life, O Lord, according to
your word!
Accept my freewill offerings of praise
Oh Lord,
and teach me your rules.
I hold my life in my hand continually,
but I do not forget your law.
The wicked have laid a snare for me,
but I do not stray from your precepts.
Your testimonies are my heritagae forever,
for they are the joy of my heart.
I incline my heart to perform your
forever, to the end.
Ps. 119: 97-112
Now, that is the feeling of accomplishment. Not the enormous amount of stuff that I accomplished, but to know that the very eye and hand of my God has been on my every thought, need, want, and desire. That is accomplishment and brings the greatest satisfaction.
Oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus, oh how I love Jesus, because...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Not Talking/Learning to Listen
I never really thought about it much, but when I started seeing patients I soon realized just how many words I was using everyday. Believe it or not, I was just glad to be able to get home and NOT talk. To veg out a bit.
The older I get the more I realize that what we say needs to matter. Not to talk just because we can. To bad it takes so long to gain such wisdom in life.
Our family has been going through some tough days lately as we have two members who have been experiencing bad health, beyond just the flu, and I have noticed that some individuals are needing to talk, while others just can't talk.
Remember, there is a time for everything! Talking falls into that category. Just because I am johnny on the spot, and can talk when called upon, does not mean everyone is that way. If you have those in your life who are not talkers, just be ready to listen when they do talk. Listening is the flip side of the coin to talking and we talkers need to flip that baby over way more than we do.
On a lighter note, my granddaughter LK is learning to talk - and oh how much fun that is. She takes after her mother and grammy. hehe.
Psalm 19:14 (American Standard Version)
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in thy sight, O Jehovah, my rock, and my redeemer.
Monday, October 19, 2009
One Month To Live
I picked it up after my husband had told me that the staff and elders at the church were reading it and working through it. I figured, being the pastors wife and all, I best stay up with the troops and be knowledgable. So I asked my dear sweet husband if he had an extra copy in the service this past Sunday (perfect time for discusseion about the newest book out - NOT).
As I was out running errands on Sunday afternoon, preparing for my week, I climbed into my car and there in the seat was the book. The Lord gently spoke to my heart, "Don't you think this would be a good book to read through at work". I so gently replied, "Lord, this is work, Texas Tech, why would they want to do this book there? He soooo lovingly said, "Because I have something to say to them too". Ugh! Need I say, I put the book immediately in my brief case upon my arrival back home to take to work the next morning.
Upon arriving at work I was talking with one of the doctors and told her what the Lord had said; she immediately asked to see the book and said she would go pick it up and read it. She is kinda like the "boss" so I figure the Lord is doing His thing; you know like the Holy Spirit does when he wants to accomplish His perfect work in our lives. Yeah - I think we will be doing the book at work. Hehe, isn't Jesus so cool.
So, now... I am blogging to you, yes you, so you can run purchase it and so you can get in on the H.S. work. It is going to be good. You won't want to miss this one. I know, I know... you are way too busy! Hello, are you farming on fb? Are you working on YOUR Ph.D? Are you in labor? Are you working 50 + hours a week, or seeing 50 small humans in therapy a week? Hello - get the book. If I can - you can. Get the book. You will be glad you did.
Happy Reading.
May you be blessed beyond all measure and experience the amazing grace of a Mighty God.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Your Desired Haven
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven. Ps. 107: 29
Do you ever feel like life is just more than you can handle? Some days are like that; they just go bad from the time you brush your teeth - you know, you are brushing away and trying to hum at the same time and the tooth brush slips and rams into your upper gum and blood is everywhere. On top of that your mouth hurts for days.
Or maybe it is one of those days when you think you are getting a really good raise and you find out it is only 1/2 of what you were told it would be - and then the Lord gently puts someone in your path who just lost there job, or worse, hates there job, or even "worser" they are hunting for a job and can't find one.
Or maybe you are the one who wants more than anything to love someone and be loved by someone and the Lord is making you wait. And it just hurts. You are so lonely in a very busy world.
Or maybe you really have pain and your husband left you for another woman and after over a century of being married you find yourself in a small apartment - alone.
To all the above. "He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven." Ps. 107: 29
Remember, the Lord knew you while you were being formed in your mothers womb and His plans for you are good. It may not seem like it today, but God has you in the palm of HIS hand and is guiding you to your desired haven. WOW!!! What a promise.
Trust in the Lord.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
You see "In the begining God created..." He knew that I would be born on this day when He first formed the earth. WOW - and I get to be apart - everyday - of bringing Him glory. I wish I could say that everyday I have brought Him glory, put I honestly can say that this year my passion in life has been to daily reflect who the Christ in me is. It has been a passonate quest - and not an easy one. I have definitely discovered that the Lord does indeed care more about our character than our comfort.
This past year I have learned to love the Lord not only deeper but in a new way. He has called me to a desperation for Him that is new. How about you? What has the Lord called and required of you for this year of your life? John 13:32 says "God's glory will be on display. In glorifying Him, he Himself is glorified - glory all around. I believe the Lord longs for us to come to a place in our lives that nothing is more important than our lives glorify Him.
John 12:20-29 says, There were some Greeks in town who had come up to worship at the Feast. They approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee: "Sir, we want to see Jesus. Can you help us?" Philip went and told Andrew. Andrew and Philip together told Jesus. Jesus answered, "Times up. The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is, destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal. "If any of you wants to serve me, then follow me. Then you'll be where I am, ready to serve at a moment's notice." The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me. "Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place. I'll say 'Father, put your glory on display.'" A voice came out of the sky: "I have glorified it, and I'll glorify it again." The listening crowd said, "Thunder!"
THUNDER oh Lord!!! Bring it on. May you be glorified through me.
Happy Birthday to Me - and May you Jesus, be glorified.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Trust In The Lord
This past week I began thinking about something in my life that is extremely painful and I literally worked myself into a stew. It affected my tempermant, my feelings, my reactions to people, and my sleep. Since I don't like anything affecting my sleep I knew this had to be resolved. As I lay in bed last night the Lord gave me a talkin' to. He just unveiled my heart and I didn't like what I saw. I realized that I was oozing, (as my husband would say), just a little bit. But more importantly, it has affected my communication with the Lord. He just gave me a talking to about where my trust was. Was it in me? In my abilities? Or was it in Him? Oooch!!!
So, I asked the Lord about what I was afraid of and we had a wonderful conversation. But He didn't just come out and answer the question of my fears. We talked about it and He ended it with...Wait! Don't you love it? He still is wanting me to depend on Him. He could have so beautifully answered the fear of my heart, but instead He said "Wait". It really wasn't too bad. He was tender in how He handled my feelings but he was more concerned about my dependency on Him than in my fear. You see, He already knew my fears. What He was looking for in me was TRUST. Trust in Him! Total trust, not 98.9%, but total 100% trust that He has a plan and a purpose just for me. As I surrendered my fear to Him an incredible peace came over me. I slept like I had not slept in weeks. I rested in Him.
So, when I read Beth Moore's blog this morning she recommended Psalm 112:7. It was perfect for me, perfect for today. Is that not just like our Lord? He is so tender in His love for us. Him.
Read for yourself and see if it speaks to you as it did to me.
Ps. 112:7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. (NIV)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Headed Home
Andy called me on Friday and informed me he had taken a check to the travel agent. It was official - I am headed home. When I went to bed on Thursday night I begin thinking about our trip. I started to imagine taking Andy from one childhood memory to another. I got so excited I got up three times to tell Andy about what I was thinking. I also started praying - in Thai! What is so amazing about that is that I cannot remember praying as a child there; at least not in Thai. I got so excited praying in Thai I could hardly stand myself.
Do you have a place you call home? For Andy it is the family farm in Alabama. My kids love going there. In fact, my kids would rather go there than come to my house. It is just home for them.
When I think of home it is more than a house. It is all about the memories. I have enough memories from Thailand that will way out last the time we are there. I already know the time will pass way too fast and we will be headed back to Texas. I plan to pack every minute full; I would imagine that I do not sleep alot while there.
So, all this to say. If you have kids, if you are apart of a family - make memories. It doesn't matter if you are 5 or 50 they will last a life time. What may start as an adventure may be a memory that will be passed down for years to come.
Head for home - make some memories. I will let you know how my trip "back home" goes. I can assure you that MANY new memories will be made. Be praying - we leave July 2 and get back on July 16 AND we will be back with a vision and an assignment for a return mission trip. Want to go???? Think 2010; we will head "back home" again.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Where Do You See God?
This Mother's Day I find myself thinking soberly. As I watch my daughter on her first Mother's Day I am so thankful for a daughter who is 100% sold out to Jesus. I watch as she loves her baby and can't help but wonder what exploits Laura Kate will do for Jesus because of the little, and big, things that her mother does to teach her about the power of having a personal relationship with Jesus.
No greater gift can a mother have on Mother's Day than to see her children loving and serving The Lord, The Giver of Life. Not just serving, but putting into action what my heart for my children has been since I became a Mother. Where Do You See God? I see Him in my kids - all three (6) of them. Every Sunday when they call and check in to see how Church at TPCC went, or to tell their dad how their church of service went. I see God in the faith they walk, the words they share with the world, and the incredible blessing of hearing them voice their prayers to God. No greater gift could a mother receive.
Thank you Jesus that some how they got it, they really got it - they got YOU! Thank you Carrie & Kyle, Cassie & Curtis, and Joel & Ashley for letting me be your Mom. I am so blessed to have you all in my lives and I am so proud that I see Jesus in and through you. Keep pressing on - He has so much more in store for you all.
And Carrie, takes for Laura Kate. Besides the 3 (6) of you, she is the brightest thing in my life. I can't wait for more - really everybody. I have no doubt that all six of you will blow my mind with the ways you teach your babies about our Jesus.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What have you been THINKING?
Have you ever wanted something really bad - so bad that you thought of a million ways to make it happen but none of them really lined up with what God would want you to do. Nothing about studying, memorizing, or test taking seems like it is from God. BUT, I have learned differently. In my quest to learn the 100's of theorist, assessment tools, diagnose, research data and more I FOUND God within the pages. Not in particular theories, as most of them are void of any admittance that God plays any part in who we are (of course we know they were wrong on that point), but rather in the purpose of the heart.
I have told my kids and many others the statement that "God is more concerned about your character, the final outcome than He is about..." (ie. a test, a boyfriend, a new outfit for a special event). Don't get me wrong, God does care about every, and I mean every little itty bitty, tiny aspect of our lives (note to son-in-laws), it matters, checks do just come in the mail, or people bless us unexpectedly. ALL to meet His divine will for our lives. But, God cares the most about who we are in HIM.
This has never been more evident for me than is preparing, taking, not passing, retaking, and retaking my boards for counseling lisencure. God has called me to a new transparency, a new desperation for the things of Him. He cares about my goals, my dreams, but mostly He cares that HE and I have a relationship that is God based, God dependent, and God driven.
Do you have that? Is everything you do, say, want, and need based on a relationship with this Mighty God? If not - you need some re-thinking in your walk with HIM. This life is so NOT about us, but rather all about Him. Do your actions, thoughts, feelings, needs, wants, hurts, pain, money, lack of money, children, work, romance, etc... etc... etc... bring HIM glory? Is HE the driving force behind who you are.
If not, like me... He will take you back to the basics. He is so patient and willing for us, His children, to learn the most valuable lesson of all. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and MIND.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Have You WALKED in His Shoes?
He reminded me that being married to a man who shepherds sheep can be a frustrating journey at times. We share them with so many, on levels of intimacy that at times is not fun. To just sit and watch and ALWAYS have a "clean heart" can really be hard. Like at the end of the service when that pretty size 4 gorgeous woman wants to pray with my man, or when that "needy" family needs some of his wisdom, or when on holidays he always, yes always has one more thing that takes him away from the celebrations at our house.
He also reminded me that sometimes it is hard for the Pastor to keep His priorities inline. You know, God, Marriage, Family, and then the Church. I think this is one of the most difficult concepts and task for our men; learning that wife and family come before the church. It is hard for the Pastor AND hard for the church. Seperating "the church" from God seems a bit odd. But being seperated from your husband because of the church is not a good feeling either. AND we are to love, and grow in our walks with the Lord and his bride all the while? Ladies, that is hard!
The daily task of a man in ministry is a job like no other. It has a routine, a discipline that many a Pastor does not do well. My mother has a hard time with this one. She just does not understand how a man can be working when he is not at the office. To stay home to study, to get away from the busi-ness of the church office, it requires a quite place - mama just doesn't get that. Preparing for meetings, praying, writing materials, praying, reading, and oh, did I mention praying, requires some solitude. AND then there is that thing about HEARING from the Lord and what HE has to say to HIS people THROUGH my man. It requires some solitude to do all these things and much more - without interruption. That means WITHOUT a wife or children too. AND then you have to deal with those individuals who just don't get it. To many it is not considered work but rather "wasting time". What more important work is there?
I love it when the Lord is speaking to me. Directly to me!!! - AND, at the same time I am so glad that I do not have to weekly receive HIS words to deliver from a pulpit. What about if you don't get a word, what if it is something that you don't want to preach on, what if it stings when spoken? What if it makes the people mad (God forbid)? All this and more are his task - week in and week out. Yep, I think I will take just being the wife.
A wise Pastor's wife asked me the following question and I want to share it with you; but first let me prefice it with a little inside information. You see, my husband does NOT like to put his shoes in his closet - I mean he very seldom even thinks of taking his shoes off and putting them in there. SO..... I find them all over the house. I trip over them, step on them, they just are part of the decor most of the time around our home. But as I was complaining about this to my wise and older Pastor's wife, she said, "Have you walked in his shoes"? "What"? She said it to me again, "Have you walked in his shoes"? I asked the obvious question, "What do you mean"? "Have you taken the time to think about where those shoes have gone; to the hospital, to the funeral home, performed a wedding, beside the young man struggling with pornography, the mother whose daughter has an eating disorder, or in the home of the family who does not have enough money to pay their electric bill. Have you walked in his shoes"? She went one step further, she said, "slip your feet into his shoes, AND while you are WALKING IN THEM, (back to the closet) PRAY for your husband".
WOW!!! That stopped me in my tracks. Ladies, have you walked in your husband (Pastor's) shoes today? PRAY, pray hard. The task od his work may be emotionally sucking him dry and the one thing that might get him through the day is the prayers you offer up to the Father on his behalf. Prayers he never knows about, but prayers that sustain him through the day. Pray and pray hard AND while you're praying, walk those shoes back to his closet, he'll know how they got there and love you for it. AND if you are not a pastors wife, your husbands shoes need praying in too!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
He Is SOOOO Worth It...
Is that not the most awesome scripture? Think about it a minute, really. Re-read it. "God's works are so great, worth A lifetime of study - endless enjoyment"! Ps. 111:2
So many of us try to find our enjoyment in things, people, money, etc... The bible says that "endless enjoyment" comes from the study of the works of God. That little word "study" tries to ruin that entire scripture for me.
You see, I am at the point in my life that I am just down right tired of it - study, not God or his word, but study. I am tired of it. But then I ran across this scripture today. Wow, studying the works of God. Now that is something I think I can hitch my boat to.
What do the works of God look like? Are they different for you than for me? I think maybe they are. When I start to focus my time on God, I think about all the Mightiness He encompasses. The strength that I have because He dwells in me, The Hope that I have because of what I have received from Him because of a personal relationship with Him. I think about the endless times that people have disappointed me; but He has never not once let me down. He is ever constant, ever giving, ever wooing me to Him. He never is more than a thought away or a prayer whisper from my lips. He holds me in His invisible arms which are stronger than any mans. He loves me when I am unlovable and always, yes always, is wanting to bless me. I am the apple of His eye, the desire of His heart. He never asks me to do anything that He does not give me the strength to do. He wants me to succeed and encourages me all the way. He has been with me from the very first day I met Him and He has never left me - that has been 44 years and counting. I can't begin to imagine, comprehend, or study enough all the ways God has been so amazing in my life. So, study the works of God - you betcha!!! Enjoyment, here I come.
Tap in dear friend and prepare to enjoy the Works of an AWESOME, AMAZING, Jesus!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mixed Swimming?
I remember driving home that night crying the entire way. Wondering how I, the new Youth Director, could have possibly known that he felt so strongly about this. How would I ever be able to go back to that place? How would I be able to face the kids, the parents, what was I going to say to him? We thought so differently, his views on youth ministry and mine were so totally opposite and here I was in his church and responsible for the spiritual well being and the activities of these kids - all 15 of them. I just wanted to quit, to find a new job, do anything other than have to meet with him the next morning.
Since that time, I have been on staff in 4 more churches - before meeting my husband and becoming a pastors wife. Oh for the days and problems of "mixed swimming parties". BUT, I still am in ministry and I still love serving the Lord some 30+ years. It is easy to want to quit, give up, change professions. But there is this little thing about "a calling". For some of us, the Lord set us apart for something unique. He annointed us, which personally I think means He gives us the extra special "something" that we need to handle "situations" like "mixed swimming parties".
But there is something else. We don't give up on the church. We do not let the opinions and views of others in ministry, who do not line up with ours, sway us from what the Lord has called us to do. Do we want to quit? Do we want to just change professions and do something else? Absolutely - sometimes monthly, for some weekly, daily. But I think maybe, just maybe the Lord might get frustrated with us as well.
Do we serve Him, not men, with our whole heart? Do we talk to Him, listen to Him, serve Him, and work for Him so wholeheartedly that nothing else matters?
Sometimes!!! Check your heart before you quit, He may have something really good around the corner...and remember, we only see now, He sees forever.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Are you FIXED on Jesus????

Over this past week I have encountered countless individuals who are not just burdened about the circumstances occurring in our country, but are struggling with allowing the Lord to be their "enough". As I have prayed for these people during the week and over the week-end, the Lord brought back to my heart the time in my own life when he asked me the question, "If you loose everything, even your children, will you still love me and still serve me"? WOW - that was a big one!!! My greatest fear at that time was a common fear of young mothers, that they would loose a child; and here the Lord was asking this question of me. I have to confess that I did have a struggle on my hands - I wrestled with Him about the question. As our sweet Lord always does, He waited patiently as I "grew" to the place He was trying to take me. He wasn't trying to tell me that one of my kids was going to die, He was not telling me that something awful was going to happen. What He WAS asking was "Robin, are you FIXED on ME"?!!!
These are hard days and the phone conversations that I am having with many, yes many wives, is that their husbands are burdened, some almost paralyzed by the fear (and yes it is fear whether they want to use that word or not) because of what they are hearing, reading on the internet, and listening to in the news. Ladies, rise to the occasion. Jesus wants you to be FIXED on Him even when your man is not, you need to be (hint - many a man thinks that he is fixed on the Lord and truly trusting in Him; if that was really true they could not be consumed with worry. Remember, worry is sin). I have a few suggestions for you on how to help your husband, your children, and maybe it will even help you. The Lord will work in and through your man...and yes, he may use you to do it.
1.) Are YOU on your face before the Lord...or on the phone? Don't waste your words - turn them into prayers for those you love. We all make excuses about not having enough time to spend with the Lord in prayer- but we all spend excessive time on the phone. Let's turn our "talk time" into "prayer time" for our men and kids.
2.) Let's try to lift the load they are carrying - what are the little things you can do that will make a difference in his day? My man, (he is so precious) has a tendency to leave his shoes in the den, wherever he takes them off. I am continually tripping over them (size 12) and it makes me so mad. I remember a very wise pastor's wife told me "unless you have walked in his shoes that day be very careful what comes out of your mouth. Instead, slip your feet into his shoes and as you walk those shoes back to his closet, pray for him. Pray all the way". Girls, sometimes I have four pairs to prayer walk with!!! What an opportunity - and it does make a difference in him!!!
3.) Try NOT asking for things that seem beyond his scope of possibility right now. Remember, many people truly are living in fear of loosing their jobs, not having enough income to support their families; all the you may be wanting new jeans, or shoes, or highlights in your hair it just does not seem really - " urgent" to those who are worrying about the future. Give God time to work on their "worry mentality".
Reality is that our God is in control...of everything. He is in such control that whatever is going to happen is going to happen no matter how hard your man worries or not. What God is looking for are a few good men and woman who will be so fixed on Him that no matter what circumstances come, however bad they may be, that Jesus is the focus of their gaze.
Psalm 116: 1-2 says, I love the Lord because He has heard my pleas for mercy. Because He inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call on Him as long as I live".
Ladies, or gents, "Make the call" and set your thoughts on Him. Be fixed on the only thing that will bring security in this world.
Jeremiah 17:7
Psalm 22:4
Job 8:15
Thursday, January 22, 2009
and then there was hallelujah!!!
Today a mom decided to let her ex-husband have custody of her 7 year old son - while he sat weeping in my office to stay with her.
Today a 10 year old little girl turned her mother and grandmother in for physical abuse to CPS - falsely, her mom irons her pants ever morning and warms them on a small heater so they are not cold when she slips into them each morning.
Today a little girl is scared because her daddy was in a wreck with her and she is scared to be near him now- it wasn't his fault.
Today a 6,8, & 9 year old told me that they can't stop cussing - that is how they talk at their house.
Today a woman told me she couldn't take her child to church because the only ride she has always goes out for breakfast afterwards - she has no money.
Today a mother asked me what to do about the devil, satan - her 11 year old sees him in her room.
Today my day started off with the most precious words texted to me by my daughter...
LK (that would be Laura Kate, my first and only 8 month old grand daughter), said "hallelujah". She really did. Laura Kate already loves Jesus.
Those words have more than sustained me through a very hard day.
Praise you Mighty God for Jesus. Thank you for so invading my childs life that her greatest desire is that her child will love You ... and then there was hallelujah.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Putting Him off...
- Like when you have 2 weeks of laundry and you hate even the thought of doing it. One should just lay on the coach and ponder.
- When school is screaming at you and you just can't get motivated - one should go to Wal-mart and shop.
- When your garage is full of leaves and you know you need to rake it out - watch your favorite tv show.
Sometimes, now I know I am the only one who ever does this, but sometimes we as humans "procrastinate"; what really is convicting is when we do that with the Lord. We need to pray, we need to be in the word, we need to be seeking Him...but we put it off for another day. Aren't we so glad He doesn't do that to us. That He is ALWAYS available - 24/7 - 352 days. He never leaves, never fails, never even procrastinates a little; He is always on time.
Jer.24:7 (NASB) says, "I will give them a heart to know Me for I am the Lord; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with their whole heart".
How's that New Year's resolution going - you know, the one to walk closer to the Lord, stay in the Word, share His life giving power with others?
Somethings it's ok to put off... but putting off the God of Heaven? ... not thinking that is one of those "I'll get to it tomorrow".
Dig in, dig in deep to what the Lord has for you; He is waiting to talk just to you...and me.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Every have an Itch?
Now, like any woman of God - I finally resorted in what we all would think - no, I did not go to the doctor, I FINALLY prayed about it. Well, I even went a bit further (I mean, I have really been itching bad), so I asked 4 women whom I trust deeply to pray about this silly rash that was consuming my thoughts - guess what, it got better. So then, one day after work, I asked another godly woman if she would pray over me - she did and I mean she prayed. WOW!!!! The rash improved - greatly. Today, I asked the women of Desperate Housewives - (not the TV show - the Women who are Desperate for Jesus) to pray. I expect it to be gone by tomorrow evening.
I guess you are wondering why I am telling you this tale? I do have a point. First, after being a Christian for 44 years, I looked to the world first not the Almighty God who heals ALL our sicknesses. I'm not proud of it, it's just fact. Second, the enemy - he just isn't very creative. He continually attacks me in the same ole ways - the stupid thing is that I forget that. Hopefully, my little itch will help you remember too, where does the enemy get you? Be alert, be wise dear sisters and brothers - we serve an awesome God. He is the Creator of the Heavens, The One Who Spoke existense into being - He can, does, will, wants to, and is waiting to answer the prayers of His children.
Ask - before you itch.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Pinkie Promise

I used to think that the best years of my life were when I was in my 20's and 30's.
I think 50 - 60 is going to take the cake. That used to seem old - now it is really quite young.
Ok, back to the 20 to 30 stuff. Yeah all the crying babies, the worrying about money to buy diapers and formula; how to care for the "three little blessings who came within 2 years of each other(twins - and they said I wouldn't be able to have babies- go figure), and fevers, and overdosing on dimetap (can't believe I wrote that) and "will they love me if I don't let them?" ideas; and sharing the excitement of going to school that first day, crying when they graduated from H.S., and then of course weaping when they marry off and they truly are no longer "yours". Yep, those were the good ole days all right. I remember listening to them all gang up together and see which one was going to take the blame for the mess that they had gotten themselves into - oh, that was fun. Or the time when my precious little boy came home from Sunday School and proclaimed that he had learned to "shoot the bird" - let me say that always goes well when your daddy's the preacher. All wonderful times - things a mother ponders in her heart and never forgets. Oh, and two more - the time one, whose name will remain annonymous, "rocked the goldfish to sleep" and the other twin brought her offering back home from church "because Jesus didn't come today". GREAT DAYS!!! And I am so glad I have the memories and lived to tell about them all AND am through them and now am getting to remember them all and THEY are getting to experience them. - If you ever wonder if there is a God - just wait til your own children get married and have to "do" life. It's one of the joys of being a grammy too!!!!
But tonight, I got to have a very nice, quite (did I say quite) dinner with my dear dear friend and we laughed, ate, cried, talked, and talked, and talked. We shared our hearts and our Jesus stuff with each other and... we pinkie promised at the end of the evening. All at the wonderful age of 50ish. :)
The next 10 years - oh what a delight they will be loving on those grandbabies and givin them back to their own mommies. I love you all my precious little grown up babies!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Where Are Your Shoes?
However, being raised in Thailand also left another lasting impression on me. Before a Thai person enters into the Buddhist temple or into another house, they remove their shoes. This is an act of respect, of not bringing that which is dirty into a place that is clean, or holy. I lived this ritual as a child. Whenever entering our home or another home we always removed our shoes. When we would take visitors to see the temples, we took our shoes off in respect of the customs of that culture as we entered in.
I also learned and observed something else. Whenever in the temple or in the presence of the King of Thailand, the people always had their shoes off. They also bowed very low - all the way to the ground. The further down a person went the greater the respect.
In my quest of desperation for the King of Kings - for the Lover of My Soul - My Heavenly Father, The Almighty God, The Prince of Peace, The Risen Christ - I find myself on my face...and you guessed it, with shoes no where to be found.
Desperate for Jesus
About 2 months ago the Lord began working in my heart. Drawing me to something fresh. He was calling me to be desperate for Him. You see, not only have I not blogged for a year; but I have sat on the sidelines of my Christian walk for maybe the first time in my life. I set my will against His for the first time as a Christian. I have been a Christian for 44 years and not once in that time can I remember making a conscious decision to set my will in an opposite direction from God. Oh I did not choose sin - just stubbornness. I was tired. Tired of the fast paced "pastors wife" life, tired of being at church every time the doors opened, tired of smiling when I didn't want to, and tired of being hurt and disappointed by Christian friends whom I trusted over and over year after year. I was just tired. So I took the year off. I went on vacation from "service" to the Lord. Did you know that as Christians that is not an option. Not really. When we are saved, truly changed for Christ, no matter what our age, we are His. That means He decides what course our lives go - not us.
Well, He was patient, he was loving. He never stopped talking to me, or wooing my heart. He kept pursuing me. He never gave up. A funny thing about a personal relationship with a life changing God. He doesn't grow tired of loving us. His love is the ultimate in unconditional love. That's what captured my heart. One day I was worshiping in church and His love just grabbed me. It literally took me to the floor and that has been where I have wanted to be ever since.
I am on a desperate quest for the lover of my soul. When I am in His presence I just want to be on my face. I want to take my shoes off because I am in the presence of a King. I want to bow before Him and gaze into His holiness. I want to see Him - to feel His presence in my life. I am so desperate for HIM that if the church was open and praise and worship was going on 24/7 I would so be there.
Jesus I love you and I am desperate to be near you. I am desperate to seek after the things of Your spirit, Your truths, and Your ways. Show me the path.